Stratus Packaging Group is one of the European leaders in the manufacture of printed labels.
With 460 employees for more than 89.3 million euros of turnover, Stratus Packaging integrates all the packaging solutions for your products :
- Adhesive labels (booklet, dry peel coupons, multilabels, …),
- Shrink sleeves,
- Stretch sleeves,
- Iml (in mould label).
By creating a strong industrial group of 7 manufacturing units in France, 1 subsidiary and 1 manufacturing unit in Switzerland, the Stratus group sought out the most effective organizational links while maintaining the identity and culture of the sites. Its extends its offer and presents to its customers the widest range of printing solutions and service products on the market.
Restructuring by markets : service and customized advice. Technical and know-how will always be essential assets in our markets. But what makes the difference between two companies is often the quality of service and advice provided to the customer. Which is precisely to strengthen our ability to deliver the right answer at the right time that we restructure our business by market.
4 markets = 4 identities
To differentiate each market, we chose to give them a strong visual identity, with a specific colour code. Our customers can immediately move in these specialized environments created for them.
Our size, our dynamism, our strong responsiveness and adaptability make us your preferred industrial partner

of Seec company
Etinord company
Martin company
Stratus Packaging Group
becomes CEO
of the group
subsidiary in Switzerland
Stratus Health & Beauty
Lean approach

In a constant effort to improve the satisfaction of its customers, the Stratus Packaging Group has decided to support its growth by defining new managerial practices. It is in this context that we chose lean management, with the essential principle of aligning the entire performance of the company with the needs of the customer.
Lean is a management method that aims atimproved business performance by the development of all employees. The method allows you to search for ideal operating conditions by working together with staff, equipment and sites to add value with the least waste possible.
The dual purpose of Lean Management is the complete satisfaction of the company’s customers (which translates into sales) and the success of each employee (which translates into motivation and commitment).
The Lean approach at Stratus Packaging:
To work in group to:
- Identify activities without VA (added value) for the client (which bring nothing to him).
- Identify on the ground the possible improvements.
- Implement actions that impede performance.
Context and challenges:
- Reduce delays by identifying VA creative activities Standardising our working methods to limit variability, evoked flows are industrial as well as administrative (all services).
- Deploy and anchor the continuous improvement approach at all levels.
- Breaking down services to reach a common goal (satisfaction of our customers in terms of quality- deadlines- costs).
Approach initiated in 2011, the results obtained are spectacular in terms of efficiency and performance gains, both in Lean Office with the reduction of order processing times – upstream production, and in manufacturing with the deployment of SMED’s 5S particularly in our workshops.
The integration of a dedicated Lean group leader since 2015 confirms Stratus Packaging’s continuous improvement approach at all levels. Virtually all employees, thanks to their expertise in the field and their ideas, regularly participate in targeted working groups aimed at increasing customer satisfaction, but also our efficiency and our satisfaction at work.
“We work continuously in developing our internal organisation and improving performance. We have several LEAN sites open for production, administrative and logistic service: 5S, SMED shipyard, etc…”
Quality approach
We are ISO 9001 certified (according to the latest 2015 version) for the following sites STRATUS SEEC, STRATUS ETINORD, STRATUS MARTIN et STRATUS HEALTH & BEAUTY, QUALETIQ, BRCGS (STRATUS IML, STRATUS ETINORD and STRATUS HEALTH & BEAUTY) and Imprim’vert.
We are engaged in a process of continuous improvement, and our general policy is articulated around the following 4 axes:
- Improving the satisfaction of our customers and prospects, which implies a better control of our deadlines and an improvement in the quality of our products.
- Continuous innovation on products and services bringing to our customers new solutions, as well as better control over our costs and processes.
- Motivate and involve all staff in the performance of our company by building on training fortification, communication and appreciation of collective or individual performance.
- Adapt our processes for a use of eco-friendly products, and sort our waste.

Environmental approach

Stratus packaging and its environmental approach :
Stratus Packaging offers solutions for waste reduction and eco-friendly products.
It is Stratus Packaging’s desire to reduce backing waste at its customers which became a reality in 2012, thanks to the possibility of using synthetic backings :
- PET clear 30 microns.
- PET clear 23 microns.
- PP clear 30 microns.
It has been easily demonstrated that the use of a backing of 23 or 30 microns (instead of a glassine of 54 microns) allows the increase of label amount in a roll between 18 and 27%.
Finally : fewer reel changes so fewer line stops reducing the tonnage of waste to be collected and destroyed.
Stratus Packaging has developed a computer tool to calculate potential savings per product line.
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible forest management worldwide. FSC® develops standards based on principles of responsible forest management supported by environmental, social and economic stakeholders. For more information, visit
1- Respect for laws and FSC® principles
2- Security of tenure, user rights and responsibilities
3- Rights of indigenous peoples
4- Community relations and workers’ rights
5- Forest products and services
6- Environmental impact
7- Management plan
8- Monitoring and evaluation
9- Maintenance of high conservation value forests
10- Plantations
Sustainable development and biosourced materials.
99% of the paper materials we use are FSC® certified.
The FSC® label indicates that the materials used in our products come from responsible sources.
The logos
Organic Adhesives
Possibility of using organic adhesives.
Recycling backings
We set up a process of backings recovery, for recycling all types of backs (yellow, white, blue, kraft…).

CSR Approach
CSR, or in other words Corporate Social Responsibility, is the set of practices implemented by companies to respect the principles of sustainable development: being economically sustainable while having a positive impact on society and the environment.
This approach is imposed on large companies, which are subject to specific regulations, but also, more and more often, on VSEs / SMEs questioned about their practices in this area by their principals.
As part of its commitment to CSR and sustainable development, the Stratus Packaging Group has obtained several certifications on its sites: bronze medal ECOVADIS, and the Imprim’Vert label.
In addition, we manage our waste, recycle materials and work to reduce energy consumption.
We share our CSR approach with our suppliers and disseminate our ethical charter.
We scrupulously ensure compliance with the principles of all legal, ethical, good conduct and environmental rules that may be imposed on our business in the future.
Within the framework of the respect of Human Rights and Labor Law, the Stratus Packaging Group is committed and ensures that it only collaborates with partners who commit themselves to :
- Not to employ or hire children.
- Not to use forced labor of any kind and its employees are not required to deposit personal identification papers or deposits to begin work.
- Provide a workstation that does not pose a direct risk to its employees.
- Not discriminate against its employees on any basis (including ethnic origin, political or religious views, disability, illness or gender).
- Not to practice or support the use of corporal punishment, moral, physical or sexual harassment or verbal abuse, and not to use any cruel or abusive disciplinary practices in the workplace.
- To pay each employee a salary at least equal to the prevailing minimum wage.
- Respect the laws on working hours and the rights of employees in the countries in which it operates.
- Respect the right of its employees and/or salaried employees to join and form independent trade unions, and respect freedom of association.
Global Compact France

STRATUS PACKAGING is committed in November 2020 to the signing of the United Nations Global Compact and joins the 1300 companies that have already signed in France.
Official local relay of the United Nations Global Compact, the Global Compact France brings together more than a thousand companies and non-profit organizations around issues related to CSR and sustainable development. The Global Compact France offers its members a voluntary commitment framework built on the basis of ten principles to be respected in the areas of human rights, labor law, the environment and anti-corruption. It is also mandated by the UN to support the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the appropriation of the Sustainable Development Objectives by the French economic world.
The 10 principles of the Global Compact :
- Promote and respect the protection of international human rights law.
- Ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- Respect freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining.
- Contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in employment.
- Contribute to the effective abolition of child labor.
- Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
- Apply the precautionary approach to environmental issues.
- Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
- Promote the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Act against corruption in all forms including extortion and bribery.
Index professional equality between women and men

In accordance with the provisions of the Avenir Professionnel law, aimed at eliminating the pay gap between women and men, Stratus Packaging and its various entities in France publish their Gender Equality Index.
What does this index consist of?
According to the decree n° 2019-15 of January 8, 2019, the index, must be calculated from 4 to 5 indicators (depending on the size of the company) to be respected :
- The gender pay gap.
- The gap in individual pay rises.
- The gap in promotions.
- Increases upon return from maternity leave.
- The number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid in the company.
The result gives a score out of 100 points. Each company must logically reach a minimum score of 75/100. If a company does not exceed this threshold, it has three years to bring itself into compliance by implementing corrective measures, failing which it may be sanctioned up to 1% of its payroll. The aim of this measure is to eliminate inequalities in the world of work between men and women.
Results for Stratus Packaging Group entities in France with more than 50 employees:
These scores, significantly above the minimum 75 points required, demonstrate the Group’s long-standing commitment to gender equality in the workplace.